Varmint League
Matches will be fired at 100 yards at novelty varmint targets. The league is open to any scoped rifle center fire or rim fire. This league is intended and the targets are designed to be shot with a scoped rifle. All shooting will be done prone or prone off a rest such as bipod or sand bag with front rest or front and rear rest only.
match information
Registration - 8:00 am
Pre-registration is recommended
Match Begins - 9:00 am
Cost - $25 - Seasonal Fee per Shooter
Participants must supply their own ammunition
Match Dates
course of fire
There will be 2 classes: Center Fire & Rim Fire
25 rounds: 5 sighters, and 20 rounds for record with 5 shots fired at each target for score in time period of 30 minutes.
There will be 2 awards at the end of the league and you must shoot 5 matches to qualify for the award.
Award for high Center Fire shooter.
Award for high Rim Fire shooter